Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bhutan King and Queen visit Japan!!

The King and Queen of Bhutan is in Japan now!!!! and day after tomorrow, they are going to visit at Kyoto!!Kyoto are already a full of people enjoying autumn leaves all around. Their historic visit will make it accelerated and get more tourists to Kyoto:)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Light-ups is what you must not miss in this season!!

Hello everyone:) How are you doing??
As we have finally got in beautiful autumn, lots of temples and shrines have started light-ups each place. This temple, called 'Kodaji', is one of the best places where you can have illuminated red-yellow trees. It is available to December 4th. Autumn leaves are not really yet turned red, though. I am sure it would give you a great time:) For the detail, visit this page!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The most beautiful season is coming to here Kyoto soon:)

Hello everyone!!

Let me start with apologize..How often do you think we update this blog?? We are sooo lazy, aren't we?? If you wait us for update everyday, we are, no, 'I' am so sorry about that.

As the heading say, we are having the most gorgeous season in about 2 weeks. (This year is relatively late that leaves turn up)

Catch the latest information from this site (Only Japanese is available..) If anyone knows anysite where you get update information of autumn leaves in English, tell us!!(by anyway is fine) We'll appreciate it:)

See you next week!! I promise!!