Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!! 謹賀新年

Happy new year!!
Thanks to all the customer who stayed our hotel last year, 2012 was amazing and special year for us!  
We wish this year will be another great year to you!


Sunday, December 23, 2012

New Year

We are approaching the end of this year. In Japan, We have lots of events going on then. Like drawing a fortune slip, praying for the up-coming year or... drinking:) However, it is believed one of the biggest events then is to hear the New year's bell. It is rung 108times which is corresponded to desires of people. It is said people have 108 desires such as desire for eating, sleeping or shopping here in Japan. This event is held so as to erace these desires for the New Year on New Year's eve. We luckily have plenty of temples holding this event in Kyoto. So why not coming here and getting gear for the New Year by doing it?;) 今年もまた一年が終わろうとしています。 早いものですね、、、 知ってのとおり、日本には新年を迎えるのにさまざまなイベントがございます。 おみくじ、お参り、、、、、飲み明かすなどなど(笑) でもやはり、除夜の鐘をきいたりするのもいいと思いませんか? 人間には108の煩悩があるといわれております。 食欲、睡眠欲、物欲。 さまざまです。 幸いにもここ京都には、除夜の鐘をきけるお寺がたくさんございます。 今年は、ここ京都にて除夜の鐘をきき清々しく新年を迎えてみてはいかがですか?:)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

We started new business

We lately launched new business.
We , Nagomi-Ryokan Yuu, offer you one private Machiya building.
It has kitchen, living room, bed rooms, bathroom and toilet:)
It must be cozy and relaxed.
I'm sure you feel like to be at home;)
So if you fancy it, contact us!

私達、なごみ旅館 悠は新しいビジネスを始めました。

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Exhibition of Kyoto food

It is believed that tufu or Kyoto vegetable are specialties here.
Did you know it?
To our pleasant suprise, exhibition of these Kyoto food is nearly launched at Miyako-messe!
Date: Dec 13th and 14th
Time: 10am-4pm
Ticket: 800yen (600yen in advance)
            500yen for students (400yen in advance)
Access: Take bus no.206 towards Higashiyama street・Kitaoji bus terminal and get off at Higashiyama nijyo
There must be loads of food exhibiting and you could even buy some.
Apart from that, you could see Maiko dancing as well!
Why not going there and feeling them;)

日にち: 12月13,14日
チケット: 800円(600円前売り券)
       学生 500円 (400円前売り券)
アクセス: 市バス206系統 東山通り・北大路バスターミナル行き 「東山二条」下車

Friday, December 7, 2012

One wonderful couple

Few days ago, a one male guest proposed his girlfriend in the room they stayed x) this is the pic that wonderful couple left!
thank you for choosing our hostel for such a big event! We wish you every happiness!!
