Saturday, December 28, 2013

The end of this year

We are approaching the end of this year day by day.

How was this year for you?
Magnificent? Good? Not bad? Not good?
It must be really different depending on people.
We hope each of you had an awesome one:)

What are you up for New Year?
Count down somewhere nice, enjoy with your friends, or chill out at home.
There are lots of things, we guess.
In Japan, we go to temples or shrines to prey for the following year.
Since Kyoto has many temples or shrines, we have tons of people coming for that.
It must be squeezy at some spots, but it is definitely worthy to feel Japanese New year.
So if you visit Kyoto or somewhere in Japan, please try it for your experience;)

The picture is not related to New year, but we would like to show you these people who enjoyed here with us!
Nice family with great costume;)

We hope all of you have a happy new year!




