Tuesday, May 24, 2016

-New menu is coming soon in public-

Hello, everyone. We apologize that we have not posted any for a while. We hope that you all are doing fine. If you happen to come across the earthquake in Kumamoto, you must be still having some difficulties. All of our staff is sincerely hoping the early recovery with finger crossed.
Please excuse us in these circumstances, but we are here to announce exciting news. In our Café Bar, No-Wa, we have an upcoming attempt. We are thinking to start some full course menus.
The rate or detail is unknown, yet we have some rages of the rate and we are sure that you can have your suitable course among them. (Photos for your reference.) Mainly, the menus include traditional Japanese food such as row fishes (Sashimi), Japanese tasted soup, Tempra, dessert, and more. Our veteran chef realizes the real taste or atmosphere of Japanese in Kyoto just like restaurants in famous districts.
Whenever you have a chance to visit and wherever you are coming from, you all are very welcome here even you are not guests in our accommodation. For our guests in accommodation, it can lessen your time waste to think of the traditional lunch or dinner in Kyoto as we offer them here. Please feel free to contact us for them. (We are planning that the full course menu requires an advanced reservation since we need to adequately prepare.)
We are all waiting for your visits with big expectations.
お久しぶりです。 皆様お元気でしょうか。 未だ、熊本地震での被害者の方々は苦しい状況下におられるかと思います。 一刻も早い復旧を我々スタッフも心より願っております。
この様な状況下の中大変恐縮ではございますが、私達から1つ皆さんに良いお知らせがあります。 受付隣接のCafé Bar の輪の新しい試みとして、コースメニューを提供する事となりました。
お値段、詳細は検討中ではございますが、きっとお客さまに合うコースのご用意が出来るのではないかと思います。 京都の有名レストランを思わす和の味や雰囲気をベテランシェフが再現します。
いつでも、どこからでも、外部のお客様でも、是非一度お越し頂きご堪能ください。 宿泊のお客様に関してはお店を探す手間も省けて大変便利かと思います。 まずはお気軽にお問い合わせ下さいませ。 (コースメニューは完全予約制とさせて頂く予定です。)

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