Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The second Nagashi Somen on July 23

We held the second Nagashi Somen as a favor of our guest on July 23. It was sunny day so that we could have lots of fun here.
We are so happy that many guests seemed to have enjoyed catching and eating Somen!
On top of that, we flew many kind of fruits this time. Our guests ate lots of them after getting full by Somen!:)
If you look at the second picture, you can see our staff cheating to get Somen. They could not catch it well and cheated like this even though they are Japanese!!! Please do not cheat like us!;)
Here, we would like to announce that the next one is held on August 5. So please pop in here and enjoy it!

日本人なのに、箸でちゃんととろうとせず・・・ みなさんはこんなずるするような大人には、くれぐれもならないように!!!(笑)
ここで、もうひとつお知らせがあります!8月5日に、第三回流しそうめん開催します!!! ぜひぜひ、お友達もつれてきて、楽しんじゃってください!!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Tanabata (Star Festival)

Today, July 7, is the Star Festival which is one of the important event in Japan. Originally, this festival bases on the Chinese legend of two stars; Altair and Vega. Vega, a weaving girl, and Altair, a cowherd boy, they are both hard-working. However, once they got seeing each other, tehy discontinued working. This led to lose the temper of Vega's father... Due to it, he prohibited them from meeting-up by separating by the Milky way. After that, they reformed thier mind and decided to work hard again! It succeeded in changing father's mind and getting together again! It was just once a year, though.. From that story, people began to celebrate their reunion by decorating the bamboo branches with some paper stripes and ornaments. On top of that, it is believed that the wish comes true if you write it on the paper stripes ang hang it on the bamboo. So now, let's get some pens and papers to make your hope come true!
今日、7月7日は七夕です! もともとこの行事は、中国の二つ星の伝説(ヴェガとアルテア)に由来しています。 ヴェガは織物、アルテアは牛の世話をして、とても熱心に働いていました。 しかし、一度二人が出会うことによって、仕事をすることをやめてしまいました。 それによって、激怒したヴェガの父親が二人が会うことと禁じ、天の川で二人を二分してしまいました。 二人は、改心しもう一度一生懸命に働くことを決め、一年に一度だけですが父から再開の許しを得ることがでました。 このことより、人々は短冊に紙や飾りを施すようになりました。 そして、その紙に書いた願い事が叶うということで今でも多くの人々がこの日に短冊に願い事を書いた紙などを飾ることが恒例になっています。 みなさん、知っていましたか―? みなさんも私たちのように短冊に願いをのせて見せませんか?:)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The first event; Somen nagashi

On June 30, we did Somen nagashi as we decleared. Our guests seemed to have enjoyed a lot! Our staff could have possibly had fun more than them, though...:) At any rate, it was absolutely successful! We intend to carry on this event for the following summer season. The next Somen nagashi would be held on July 8!!! Those who missed the first one or want to try again can come here at Nagomi-ryokan-yuu and enjoy it! We would love to have a great time with all of you by all mean!!! It must be so fun, mustn't it!!!?;)
6月30日、以前お知らせした通りそうめん流しを行いました! お客さんも楽しんでいただけたようで! 私たちスタッフのほうがもしかしたら楽しんでいたかもしれませんが・・・笑 とにかく、成功という形でおわれたと思うので、これからの夏の季節にもどんどんそうめん流しやっていこうと思っています! つぎのそうめん流しは、7月8日を予定しています!!! 一回目にこれなかった方、もう一度したいという方、このなごみ旅館悠にてぜひとも一緒に楽しみましょう!!! きっと楽しいと思いません!!!?;)